Sign-up for FREE Membership

Membership is free. You get following benefits :
  1. We have developed a SWOT analysis by which we can look at strengths, weaknesses,opportunities and threats in your lifestyles. We will do a free analysis of your lifestyle when you become member.  
  2. As a member you will have access to our detailed information about lifestyle issues in our secure area.
  3. You will also have a regular newsletter directly posted to you. By this you will be the first to know our latest blogs and upcoming events like Workshops and Seminars on lifestyle issues.
  4. Sometimes, we deliver some free services to our members exclusively.

Submit your details below to sign-up for FREE Membership to Kandara's Easygoals Services. You will receive confirmation of your membership via email. Once registered, you can login to the Members Area using the MEMBER LOGIN link at the top of the site.

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